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Accreditation Cycle 2022-06-08T23:46:40+00:00

Accreditation Cycle

Taken from NWCCU Accreditation Handbook, page 31.

Every NWCCU Accredited institution is required to conduct a thorough self evaluation at specified intervals to address elements of the Eligibility Requirements and elements of the Standards for Accreditation as described below in the overview of the seven-year accreditation cycle. Note: It is assumed that accredited institutions have met Eligibility Requirement 1. At its discretion, the Board of Commissioners may also request that the institution provide additional reports at specified times or submit additional reports and host an on-site peer evaluation visit.

Overview of the Seven‐Year Accreditation Cycle

The Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE) process described below applies to institutions that are seeking reaffirmation of accreditation. All institutions need to demonstrate that they are in substantial compliance with the Eligibility Requirements, Standards, and policies and with those federal regulations that the Commission is required to evaluate. This process of ongoing self-evaluation ensures that the institution’s responses to the Commission’s accreditation Standards and the Commission evaluations of those responses remain current and relevant throughout the accreditation cycle.

Because institutions of higher education are complex and dynamic systems that exist within changing environments, the accreditation self‐evaluation process is designed to allow for flexibility and growth as institutions seek to maintain quality, implement improvements, and build stability and sustainability. Within this context, the goal of the process is the improvement of student learning, student success, and institutional effectiveness. At the Commission’s discretion, institutions may be directed to follow a process that differs from the one described in this Handbook, and those institutions will be guided by other documents describing those reviews.

Year 3:  Mid-Cycle Evaluation

The on‐site Mid-Cycle Evaluation is conducted for accredited institutions in the third year of their seven‐year accreditation cycle. A team of two (2) evaluators assesses the institution’s progress in the areas of mission fulfillment, student achievement, and assessment of student learning. The Mid-Cycle Evaluation is intended to be a formative evaluation of the institution, with Evaluators providing feedback as to the institution’s progress towards the Year Seven Evaluation. (See p. 106 Accred. Handbook for details)

Year 6:  Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review Evaluation

The off‐site Year Six, Standard Two, Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR) Evaluation is conducted for accredited institutions in the sixth year of the seven‐year accreditation cycle. A team of evaluators with relevant expertise assesses the institution’s compliance in the areas of policies, regulations, and financial sustainability.  (See p. 105 Accred. Handbook for details)

Year 7:  Self-Study Submitted; Evaluation Site Visit; Commission Decision

In Year Seven, accredited institutions submit the Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE) report in preparation for the on-site visit by a team of evaluators. This institutional report is based on the findings of the institution’s self-study and, with the exception of institution-specific themes, include components described below. However, the institution may structure its report in the way it finds best suited to tell its story, reordering and perhaps combining these components as needed.

Annual Reports: Additionally, there is an annual report. All institutions that have Candidacy or Accredited status must submit a report to the Commission annually. Annual Report forms are made available each spring to candidate and member institutions. The purpose of the report is to help the Commission be informed of significant changes taking place at institutions, such as substantive changes, serious budget deficits, crucial enrollment changes, etc. See
details about Annual Reports on the NWCCU Website (www.nwccu.org).

• DUE DATE: Annual Reports are due no later than August 1.